Arts Partner: The Tank

A man sits alone in a cage, starving himself for your entertainment. A “beautifully imagined” (Culturebot), darkly comic adaptation of the Kafka story by acclaimed Brooklyn-based company Sinking Ship (“Talented!” —New York Times, “Splendid!” —Time Out). Once cheered by thousands, the Hunger Artist is now forgotten by everyone except his one-time manager. What begins as a simple nostalgic story transforms into a startlingly inventive trip into the nature of memory, art, performance, and spectatorship, as told by the only person who remembers an artist whose act was simply… to hunger.

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  • June 3, 2017
    6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Event Location


220 EAST FOURTH STREET, New York, New York, 10009, United States