The Blue Man Group at Astor Place Theater. Photo Credit: Ken Howard/Blue Man Productions.
Three men dressed in black with their faces painted blue, making music, creating art, and poking fun at contemporary media all the while being completely silent. These were my lasting impressions of the Blue Man Group performance created by Matt Goldman, Phil Stanton, and Chris Wink that has been taken place in Astor Place Theater for years. Though it was a silent performance with the only noise coming from the laughter of the audience, it did not hinder the overall comedy that was the basis of the performance. With audience interactions and inferences to popular culture with the revealing of the “GiPad,” (a giant iPad) Blue Man Group introduces and exposes the problems within society in a very lighthearted way without making the atmosphere serious. They even include a section dedicated to educating the audience about “Rock Concert Movements,” which are movements that are typically seen at rock concerts and concluded the show by giving us our very own epic rock concert experience complete with lots of toilet paper and flashing lights that transported every teenager and adult in the theater back to childhood. I admit that I didn’t expect to enjoy this performance as much as I did, but I’m more than happy that I was wrong, and I would gladly recommend anyone to go and see the Blue Man Group; you’ll remember it for the rest of your life.
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