In: Single Event

February 6, 2020Arts Partner: The Seeing Place
February 14, 2020
7:00 pm
Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the book being written. The animals on a farm drive out their master and take over and run the farm for themselves. The experiment is successful, except that someone has to take the deposed farmer’s place. Leadership devolves upon the pigs, which are cleverer than the rest of the animals. (more…)

Parthenia: Theatrical Music for Dramatic Times
February 5, 2020Arts Partner: Gotham Early Music Scene (GEMS)
February 7, 2020
7:30 pm
Songs and instrumental pieces from the Elizabethan period to the Restoration with the renowned Parthenia Viol Consort; Daniel Moody, countertenor; and guest artist Motomi Igarashi, viol. Run time: ~90 minutes, no intermission. Visit for more info! (more…)

Gabrielle Lamb’s Pigeonwing Dance premieres “Plexus: a work in knots”
February 5, 2020Arts Partner: CUNY Dance Initiative
February 7, 2020
7:30 pm
“Generous, imaginatively breaking rules….at no point is it predictable.” — The New York Times In Plexus: a work in knots, Princess Grace Award winning choreographer Gabrielle Lamb creates a complex ecosystem of interdependent bodies, a mysterious network of fluctuating loyalties built upon an unsteady balance of power. This world premiere is performed by the seven members of (more…)

The Play That Goes Wrong – $25 tickets **straight from Broadway, amazing deal**
February 4, 2020Arts Partner: The Pekoe Group
March 6, 2020
8:00 pm
The time is right to see The Play That Goes Wrong, Broadway’s funniest smash hit! This Olivier Award-winning comedy is a hilarious hybrid of Monty Python and Sherlock Holmes. Welcome to opening night of The Murder at Haversham Manor where things are quickly going from bad to utterly disastrous. With an unconscious leading lady, a (more…)

The Play That Goes Wrong – $25 tickets **straight from Broadway, amazing deal**
February 4, 2020Arts Partner: The Pekoe Group
March 4, 2020
7:00 pm
**Get your tickets before sales close Wed 3/4 @ 9am** The time is right to see The Play That Goes Wrong, Broadway’s funniest smash hit! This Olivier Award-winning comedy is a hilarious hybrid of Monty Python and Sherlock Holmes. Welcome to opening night of The Murder at Haversham Manor where things are quickly going from (more…)