The Journal of Art and Reviews (JAR) is a blog which features creative content by young people participating in ArtsConnection Teen Programs. With content for teens by teens, we hope to create an online space that inspires, empowers, and enlightens youth by sharing information, highlighting artists, and creating an online community in the realm of arts and culture.

Freelancers Take on War Horse

This August, a few freelancers took advantage of a special opportunity to see the critically acclaimed, Tony Award winning…

The Human Side of War

There is a time portal inside of the Lincoln Center Theater. War Horse– a striking play about the peaks…

A Monster is Born

Monster is a play based on the book Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, written by playwright Neal Bell, directed by…

Antigone Unearthed

Antigone Unearthed is an eccentric yet revolutionary adaptation of Sophocles’ Antigone played by the all-female cast from “Our Ladies of South 4th Street.” In Antigone Unearthed,…

More Than a Play

Prior to seeing War Horse, I expected puppets. And horses. Possibly even tears. To sum up, I expected a straight…

The Power of Production

I recently had the opportunity to see War Horse at the Lincoln Center Theater. The performance was enthralling and…

The Spirit Within

“The lamps are going out all over Europe. They will not be lit again in our lifetime.”—Sir Edward Grey,…

Film Editing At NYU

This spring the students of Film Teen Reviewers and Critics (TRaC) program had the amazing opportunity to go with…