Film/Video | Multi-Arts | Music Painting | Poetry/Spoken Word Theater | Writing

Join us in July for our Summer Teen Reviewers and Critics program: Map Free City. Map Free City is a FREE summer program for NYC teens to explore the arts all across the city. Participants attend 12 sessions over the course of 4 weeks. Students will attend cutting-edge theater, dance, and music performances; visiting artist studios, galleries, and museums; master NYC’s subway system; learn the art of discussion and critical writing; produce media content; and so much more!

In 4 weeks, you’ll explore NYC’s exciting arts offerings! During this summer intensive you will:
- Explore NYC arts culture
- Attend cutting-edge theater, dance, and music performances around NYC
- Create digital media content in response to art events you see
- Publish your reviews on our online blog called The JAR
- Collaborate and connect with other art enthusiasts
- Make new friends!