This month teens from Film Teen Reviewers and Critics (TRaC) hosted and presented a menu of Contemporary Coming of Age films. They shared how they watch and discuss films:

Many people might describe a movie they have just seen as “It was good”, “It was alright”, or “It was terrible.” Rarely people explain their thoughts or pick out single aspects that they felt strongly about. At Film TRaC, we look for the specifics in movies – the acting, directing, lighting, and so on.

When creating a movie, a huge amount of talented people work together to deliver a story. If its message was delivered poorly, we ask why. If it was delivered well, we also ask why. Both are equally important.

This month we watched

MV5BMjAzNjc1MjgzOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzE3Njk5NQ@@._V1_SX214_AL_Attack the Block
Runtime: 88 mins
Director: Joe Cornish
Stars: John Boyega, Jodie Whittaker

ATTACK THE BLOCK is a fast, funny, frightening action adventure movie that pits a teen street gang against an invasion of savage alien monsters. It turns a London housing project into a sci-fi battleground, the low-income apartment complex into a fortress under siege. And it turns a crazy mix of tough street kids into a team of kick ass heroes. It’s inner city versus outer space and it’s going to explode.




attack-the-block RATED 6 OUT OF 8

We asked four teens to give you their reviews on the film. Check out what Brandon (The Intern), Cassandra (The Newbie) Max (The O.P. a.k.a Original PaaMer) and Esther (The Pop Culture aficionado) have to say about the British sci-fi thriller

How would you sum up the movie in one sentence?

Brandon: Epicness that is modern, relatable and interesting to watch.

Cassandra: …both visually enticing and exciting to watch.

Max: Planetary turf war resolved by local youths.

Esther: Extremely fast paced and exciting with tons of references to pop culture.


Who would you recommend this movie to?

Brandon: …Anyone who likes Sci-Fi, British drama and simply enjoys an interesting movie.

Cassandra: My friends because it’s exciting and fun to watch.

Max: People who see aliens and think they’re gorilla-wolf-dogs.

Esther: …Teens who like adventure and action.


**Watch it on your own! Attack the Block is currently streaming on Netflix.**

Consider these questions from Film TRaC:

*What does this movie have to say about the way low-income teens are perceived by authority figures, such as the police?

*How does Moses change as a leader?

*Why is Moses’ name significant?

*What is interesting about the way the aliens look? Do you find them creative?

*How is Sam’s changing perception of the boys important?

*In the example of Sam’s boyfriend, what does this film have to say about our perception of domestic issues?

*In the example of the elevator shot, why does Moses get the same display as Hi-Hats?

*Why does only the block see Moses as a hero?


Never been to Pizza and a Movie? Well, this is how it works. Each month there’s one theme and three films. We eat pizza then we vote on the movie…mob rule style! 

Join us for the next FREE Pizza and a Movie!

December 4th, 2015

How to RSVP for Pizza and a Movie Night:

Seating is limited, so you must lay claim to your seat & slice by selecting “Free Ticket- RSVP HERE” on the Pizza and a Movie event page at Fill in your information and you will receive a reminder email the day before the event. Please let us know exactly how many people you’ll be bringing. If you have any questions, feel free to email

 PLEASE NOTE: This is a TEENS ONLY event, open to anyone currently in HIGH SCHOOL.

Also, don’t be late! If you arrive later than 5:15 PM, you will miss the group and won’t be able to get into the theater.



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