In: Theater

TRaC Reviews “KPOP” – featured on 3Views online publication
December 20, 2022

Teens from Teen Reviewers and Critics had the chance to seeĀ KPOP the Musical on Broadway. They discussed and critiqued each aspect…

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Teens Take New York: Map Free City 2022 Zine
August 23, 2022

From Corona Queens to Roosevelt Island to Downtown Brooklyn to Chelsea, teens spent an intensive summer traveling through NYC to engage…

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Multi-Arts TRaC Becomes Someone Else: Fall 2021
August 12, 2022

In the last Multi-Arts TRaC on Zoom, students explored the boundaries of art. From selfie character swaps to digital exhibitions, students…

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The Artistic & Historical Manifesto: Media 2022 TRaC
August 10, 2022

Inquisitive teens in Media Arts TRaC spent the Spring session observing, analyzing and critiquing a variety art forms. They responded to…

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No Contained Drama in THE JOHNSONS @ JACK
February 15, 2020

THE JOHNSONS. By Amina Henry. Directed by Shira-Lee Shalit. JACK, Brooklyn, New York. 23 October 2019. The play was performed in…

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