After high school, I went on to Swarthmore College, where I majored in computer science. As a Swattie, I studied abroad in Buenos Aires and Hong Kong, volunteered in Thailand and Cambodia, and interned at Infosys, one of the largest tech firms in India. Always a traveler, I am now exploring (read: eating my way through) my new home on the West Coast.
I graduated this past May, and moved to San Francisco a month ago to join Deal Décor as their Marketing Manager. Deal Décor is disrupting the $80B furniture industry by harnessing the power of group-buying and eliminating the middleman. We’re your one-stop-shop for beautiful, high-quality furniture at affordable prices. Check us out at www.dealdecor.com! We’re also on Facebook (www.facebook.com/dealdecor) and Pinterest (www.pinterest.com/dealdecor).
This blog post is part of an ongoing series featuring High 5 and TRaC Alumni. If you’re an alumn and you’d like to participate, email a 200 – 500 word write up about your life after High 5 (and a large picture!) to TRAC@high5tix.org. The blog posts should generally follow this format: What arts were you into in high school? What has your life been like after TRaC/High5? Where are you now? What are you up to? What are your goals? Lessons learned? Funny stories? Feel free to self-promote and drop hyperlinks to your websites, current projects, school, Tumblr page, favorite Kickstarter project, whatever!
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