The movie 42 is an excellent retelling of the historical breakthrough of the first African- American to integrate American pro-baseball.  Jackie Robinson’s story was immaculately displayed in this movie.  I’ve always learned about Robinson contributions in the Civil Rights unit of textbooks; but seeing  this story on the screen allowed me to understand the reality of our history and the struggle of our ancestors. 

Jackie, just coming home from the United States Military, returns to a rude awakening of a segregated and racist America, land of the free. Robinson was a gifted baseball player but because of the color of his skin he had to play in a Negro league and not allowed to play with white baseball players.

Branch Rickey, the head coach of the Brooklyn Dodgers, decided to integrate the Dodgers, which was an all white team.  He wasn’t just trying to put a black man on a white team, but trying to make a statement to racist judgmental society.  Jackie was a great addition to the team, even though his teammates, spectators and other teams were against it.  Jackie persevered and never stooped to the level of those who opposed him. His teammates created a petition against his arrival to the team and other coaches made rude racist remarks and death threats to Jackie, his family and Rickey for allowing him on the team.

I recommend families to see the movie. It’s a great representation of real heroes, people who break boundaries and spark revolution for the greater good.  42 is a must see movie for all.