drawing by Visual Arts TRaC instructor Nathan Sensel


It’s that time again: Teen Reviewers and Critics season!

Last week we kicked off our Spring 2013 semester of TRaC with a special performance of Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind with the NY Neofuturists at The Wild Project. You can check out photos from the event on TRaC’s Facebook page. With its constantly changing menu of plays, Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind is a show where the performers attempt to perform thirty plays in sixty minutes! The audience becomes a part of the act, deciding the order the plays and sometimes appearing in them. The show is performed once a week at the Kraine Theater as plays shift and change and ensemble members add new pieces to the existing body of work. Originating in Chicago, the Neofuturists are a group of performers who try their best to be truthful, immediate, and creative in the theater they make. Inspired by their mission to perform thirty plays in sixty minutes, members of Spring 2013 TRaC were asked to usher in the semester by creating reviews of the show in sixty seconds. They timed themselves for a minute and the responses below are what they came up with. Much like the Too Much Light… these reviews are quick, direct, and unique to each person’s experience; just the beginning of what we have in store this spring!


emotionsweregoingeverywhere, beingjerkedaroundfromhappytosad


Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind is the most original act I have ever seen. With its genius humor, it can be a unique experience for all.


Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind is a unique experience. From the beginning that they gave us names as we walked in from the 30 plays they all had unique styles.


Not what you expect
Everlasting entertainment
Open minded version of theater
Find yourself thinking deeply
Unbelievably hilarious
The pickle
Uncontrollable script
Reminds you that life isn’t organized
I DARE you not to laugh
Totally Worth Seeing



I would watch another show! Hilarious! I cried! Scintillating! Real! personalized!


My response to this series of performances is very interesting because I had many emotions and thoughts towards the whole concept overall. It’s really fun, though!


When i saw the show the first thing i thought about was the eighties and the kids who were in high school during that time. I learned a lot from the show, like how everybody is not the same but can relate to the problems others go through. The show inspired me to be more opened minded about situations and not to judge people by the way they look, dress, or even act. From participating in the show I learned to never forget about the little people.



Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind!! More Like: Too Much Creativity Makes The Reviewer Go Crazy!
Amazing plays!
Laughter, sadness, smiles, frowns, giggles, and gasps!
Name tags!
One of a kind!
No other place like this!




Similar to a smorgasborg of food, Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind is a wacky and fantastic collection of plays that takes you on an adventure, both silly and serious. Since there is a different set of plays every weekend, you’ll be happy to go once, twice, or even ten times. You never know what to expect, but expect a nametag. It will always be a riot.


The play was funny and exiting. It was very confusing since the start, with weird names to weird skits, but overall was amazingly creative. There was so much to see at this play and was above all unique


Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind is one of the most entertaining and stimulating pieces of theater. Made up of authentic people, the entire production is a lesson in authenticity. Ranging from politics to personal life, humor to serious topics, the show is a blast of constant engagement and never once leaves an audience member even remotely bored.



Too funny
There is much to do
The light adds drama
This makes you nervous
There is no baby
This goes by fast that it makes you go blind


Watching the performance of Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind was definitely a totally new experience. It was creative and fun to the extreme. These people made you laugh with the short plays that they performed being… (Time ran out!)



This was an amazing play. With only 60 minutes, these unbelievable actors produced 30 stunning plays. Some make you laugh and some make you cry while others are just out of these world! This show is worth seeing any day of the week. I would love to see them perform again. With such an eccentric cast and the audience participation the play would never be the same.