Meet Ann Fraistat
Director/Co-Writer of Romeo & Juliet: Choose Your Own Ending from Impressionable Players

$5 tickets to Romeo & Juliet: Choose Your Own Ending at FringeNYC

What’s next on your Netflix queue?

Weeds, Season 3

What’s playing on your iPod right now?

The Vitamin String Quartet Cover of Cee Lo’s F**k You

 Last good book you read was…?

Incognito by David Eagleman

 Your favorite restaurant in the city is…?

The Jekyll and Hyde Club.

All-time, hands-down favorite piece of theater:

All-male production of Twelfth Night I saw at the Globe when I was 13

What’s the best thing about FringeNYC?

It gives unknown artists the opportunity to connect with audiences and share their work with each other!

What’s the #1 reason people should come see your show?

You get to decide how you want Shakespeare’s story to end. Plus, it’s a lot funnier than the original.

Do you have any opening-night rituals?

Before every performance, our cast has a big dance party onstage.

What are the craziest performance conditions you’ve had to work under?

The first time we put up Romeo & Juliet: Choose Your Own Ending in DC, the theatre was over 100 degrees every night. Combine those conditions with the night that our Mercutio got in a car accident right before the performance and I had to go on as Mercutio for the first 15 minutes until he could get to the theatre, and yeeeeeah. That should about do it.

How did you get involved with the arts?

I come from a county where the public schools are pretty bad. I took up acting so that I could get into a performing arts school nearby. For my very first audition when I was in fifth grade, I did my monologue as Gollum from Lord of the Rings. Hey, it worked—I got in to the school!