Meet Jay Alvarez
Writer/Performer in Be Careful! The Sharks Will Eat You

$5 tickets to Be Careful! The Sharks Will Eat You at FringeNYC

What’s next on your Netflix queue?
I don’t use Netflix but if I did it would be “A New Earth” my six year old nephew is in it.

What’s playing on your  iPod right now?

Last good book you read was…?
Little Bee by Chris Cleave

Your favorite restaurant in the city is…?

All-time, hands-down favorite piece of theater:
Street Car Named Desire with Cate Blanchett

What’s the best thing about FringeNYC?
The ability to travel and discover and immerse oneself in different worlds figuratively and literally within a few short blocks.

What’s the #1 reason people should come see your show?
It’s funny, heartrending, historical, celebratory, hopeful and a testament to the human spirit and the strength within each of us and Love. It is also a love letter to my courageous father.

Do you have any opening-night rituals?
My opening night rituals become my every night ritual.  Among the things I do is sit with family pictures of those now gone and those still here knowing that they give me strength.

What are the craziest performance conditions you’ve had to work under?
I’ve been pretty lucky except for mishaps during shows, like the lady that fell on her behind at the most critical moment in the show.  But so far so good.

How did you get involved with the arts?
In High School. Although I was not in Drama, the Drama teacher suggested that I be in the High School Play.  That year we did “Godspell” and from that point forward I knew that I had found a place in life were things made sense.  Even after all these years on occasion during rehearsals I’ll look down at the black floor of the stage and I know that I’m in the right place, a sort of peace comes over me.