Meet Leslie Collins
Writer/Actor of Poteet Girls

$5 tickets to Poteet Girls at FringeNYC

What’s next on your Netflix queue?
The Fighter

What’s playing on your  iPod right now?
Poison & Wine -The Civil Wars

Last good book you read was…?
Empire of the Summer Moon

Your favorite restaurant in the city is…?
Patsy’s Pizzeria

All-time, hands-down favorite piece of theater:
Guys and Dolls

What’s the best thing about FringeNYC?
You get to see cutting edge pieces in all stages of development.  People are trying out new ideas and running with them!  I like to see artists push boundaries with no apologies.

What’s the #1 reason people should come see your show?
It is a heart warming show that is clever and ridiculously funny.  If you want to see detailed character work too, then this is the show for you!  Everyone can relate to all of my characters in some way because they are honest.  Plus, I play a bunch of nerdy kids and nerdy kids are awesome.

Do you have any opening-night rituals?
I usually do a speed through of lines, vocally warm up and stretch because I do splits while singing a high E.  I also drink a fully leaded ice-cold Coke! Not Diet Coke.  I have to have the real thing.

What are the craziest performance conditions you’ve had to work under?
Well, I tap danced outside during a hurricane while working in Tokyo.  Needless to say, there weren’t many people in the audience.  I have also served people ‘all you can eat’ salmon and ribs in Alaska, then changed into a ‘Pioneer Woman’ type dress and performed the worst musical about the original ascent of Mt. McKinley.  It was terrible.  Seriously… the worst.

How did you get involved with the arts?
I started at a young age performing musicals at my church.  We didn’t just do ‘Jesus’ musicals.  We did real musicals, like Oklahoma, George M., Once Upon a Mattress, etc..  Those shows started my passion for singing and dancing.  I also played in the band in Jr High.  Well, I actually signed up for the band because I had a crush on a drummer.  But even though we never got married, as I had SO wished back in Jr. High, I did fall in love with playing music and that was WAY better than marrying that guy.  He turned out to be boring.  Who wants to marry a boring drummer?