Among the likes of Danielle Steel novels and big boxes of Godiva truffles, Love, Loss, and What I Wore is an all-out guilty yet memorable pleasure.  The nearly one-and-a-half-hour show consists entirely of engaging anecdotes showcasing the intricate connections women and their clothing.  The monologue-style anecdotes cover the whimsical (a woman’s struggle to move on after her lucky shirt disappears), serious (a homosexual bride-to-be’s struggle to find the perfect wedding outfit), and hilariously realistic (a woman’s misadventures in a lingerie shop) ends of the spectrum, leaving viewers chuckling in amusement, leaning forward in intrigue, and nodding their heads in acknowledgement.

Love, Loss, and What I Wore is delicately balanced in such a way that no single component outshines the other.  This understated, elegant performance does not make its mark right away; instead, it leaves a wonderfully light, lingering impact for days after.

Info about the New York run available here.