The Museum of Art and Design offers a new perspective on basic materials. For example, artists combined variously colored glass and contorted its shape to create useful objects such as plates and vases in a modern way. In addition to unconventional shapes, the glass can be utilized to play with light. Overall, I enjoyed the exhibition because it surprised me. I was admittedly skeptical about the talent showcased initially because I’d never heard of MAD. I was delighted to be proven wrong by pieces such as depictions of Madonna as a DJ in stained-glass form, represented by shards of vibrant blues, reds, and yellows, and a portrait of Notorious B.I.G hung honorably in a thin dark frame and created by a glass mosaic of blue/green hues.

These works specifically stood out to me for their ode to people who progressed the “old-new” pop culture and the era of a grittier New York City.  The most important factor I recognized about my positive response to MAD were the memorable images I have in my mind. A forgetful viewer such as myself has managed to maintain a mentally vivid snapshot of the gallery. This speaks solely to the talent at The Museum of Art and Design, rather than a feat of my own.