Body Worlds: Pulse located at Discovery Times Square is the only place in New York City where art meets science and you can experience a mesmerizing exhibit of plastinations. Plastinations is an advanced technique in anatomy that preserves the dead and is created by the breakthrough scientist Gunther von Hagens. All bodies are willingly donated for the purpose of enlightenment and education. The exhibit gives an intimate view of the human body that creates varied reactions within people that range from horror to awe. Whichever reaction one may have, one thing is guaranteed; you will react strongly. Each body part, blood vessel, and nerve will astound and intrigue you.

Body Worlds portrays a theme particular to New York, the theme being that the city’s fast and technologically driven society will, in the end, kill you.  Apart from being a beautiful and eye-opening exhibit it is also informative in ways that we, as New Yorkers, are shortening our lives.  This message makes the exhibit personal and oddly frightening. The show gives the living a chance to get terrifyingly close to the dead.

Body Worlds is an extensive show and takes more than an hour to fully take in and enjoy. Some standout pieces are: a small baby lamb constructed completely of vibrant red blood vessels, a complete body’s nervous system and, of course, the controversial sequence of deceased fetus’ at every stage of development. The show gives people a chance to see the previously unseen. It allows humans to understand what happens to their bodies and why and how to avoid the unfortunate things that often do happen. The exhibit shows how far science has come and how plastinations are beneficial to the human understanding of anatomy.  If you haven’t experienced Body Worlda: Pulse it’s time you allow yourself to be blown away by the unseen depths of the human body.