In: film

Film TRaC: Spring 2024
July 24, 2024

Our screening for tonight: the Spring 2024 Film Trac semester! This showing is full of cunning analysis from TRaC students for…

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Film TRaC Journal: Fall 2023
March 21, 2024

From 1940s Berlin to 2024 Hollywood, Film TRaC students circled the globe this semester. The cohort of teen reviewers met each…

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Through the Realms of Film: Film TRaC Spring 2023
August 22, 2023

New releases mean more watch parties, they also mean more reviews! Our film teen reviewers and critics spent the 6 week…

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Menus and Keys and Fireflies, Oh My! – Fall 2022 Film TRaC
December 20, 2022

Film TRaC students spent the semester watching, discussing, and writing about films. They saw blockbusters and indie films large theaters and…

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The Multiverse of Tragedies & Discoveries: Spring 2022 Film TRaC
August 12, 2022

The Film TRaC Spring 2022 consists of a group of inspired teenage critics & reviewers. These inquisitive teens spent the Spring…

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