In: Teen Reviews

URINETOWN: Full to Bursting
March 10, 2009

It’s the first scene of the musical and there are several characters on stage dressed in rags, holding their bladder… Okay,…

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The Impending Moustache @ The PIT
March 9, 2009

Theater TRaC recently visited The PIT (People’s Improv Theater) to see a sketch comedy show by a group called The Impending…

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Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind
March 8, 2009

If you have trouble sitting through a play without falling asleep or thinking of something else, then Too Much Light Makes…

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Perspectives on Gentrification
March 6, 2009

Taking Over, performed at The Public Theater, displays a brilliant mastery of the theater in a way that is new and…

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March 5, 2009

Illyria, a musical rendition of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, was musically very modernized, with songs that would be appropriate in any Broadway…

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