Dance | Digital Media | Film/Video | Multi-Arts | Music | Painting | Poetry/Spoken Word | Theater | Writing

Teen Reviewers and Critics has a place for anyone and everyone. We offer FREE writing workshops in the visual arts, music, theater, dance, media, multi-arts and film. A once a week, afterschool program that takes place over ten weeks in the Fall or Spring. School credit awarded at some schools – inquire at your school.
Choose your TRaC: Theater/Dance, Film, Multi-Arts/Media, & Music! Click the button below to see the 4 schedules.

You’ll get a chance to:
- Attend cutting-edge theater, dance, and music performances
- Meet arts-industry professionals
- Visit galleries, museums, professional offices
- Learn about the art of discussion and journalism by publishing your experiences on our online blog, The JAR
- Produce media content
- Collaborate and connect with other art enthusiasts – basically, make new friends – and so much more!
- Join us in the summer for Map Free City