Bargemusic has one of the savviest entertainment locations, allowing the listener to watch the musicians while taking in the lower Manhattan landscape behind them. A stage and chairs are set up on what appears to be an old houseboat, located under the Brooklyn Bridge. The location allows listeners to appreciate various different styles of music from different artists each week while looking out onto the water and, if early enough, watching the sun-set behind the skyscrapers.

The night I was there, the Flux Quartet was performing. Unfortunately, I was there on a night they played some of their new experimental music which I disliked.  However, they are also known to play classical pieces which I hope to hear sometime in the future. The first half, all I stayed for, consisted of three different pieces. All were some sort of “string noise” which showed that string instruments can make noises that no one expects them to make, like a train stopping or a drill. Some of their music had interesting tunes but it was hard to make out any real melody in the music. It was often hard to tell if they were succeeding in what they were trying to do because their noises were so indistinguishable from anything I have ever heard before.

Despite my string noise experience, I might venture to another concert at the barge for music more to my taste. My only complaint of the barge was that you were constantly reminded that you were in fact on water, by the swaying of the boat. This is certainly not the right stage for those who get seasick.

For with strong stomachs Bargemusic is located in a great little neighborhood near Pier 17. The main highlight of my evening was simply walking around before and after the concert. It was fun just to get out, go somewhere new and explore more of New York City. Whatever type of music the barge plays, it is worth the gorgeous view, listening to live music and spending some time outdoors.