Rivane Neuenschwander, A Day Like Any Other, 2008.

It’s a bubble.  A freaking bubble.  A circular vessel that is carried by the wind, and I think I love it.  The idea that such a delicate being is able to have traveled farther then any other bubble is kind of mind boggling.  I know it was edited, but the idea that something that could be so easily destroyed is most likely more daring and powerful then things stronger then it, is intriguing.  I think it represents life’s end, and how spontaneous people get when they find out that they are about to die.  They don’t know when, but they do know it will be soon.  They conjure this inner energy from all of their wildest dreams and get the strength to do what they’ve always wanted to do their whole lives.

Rivane Neuenschwander‘s “The Tenant,” stimulated my mind in a way that some people wouldn’t be able to understand.  I’m not sure that I understand completely, how such a simple thing can bring out different theories of love, death, and spontaneity.  When you look at a bubble, you think it’s just a freaking bubble, but if you look at it long enough you begin to think of it as more, you give it a personality of some kind, it becomes a part of you.  I think that is what Neuenschwander was going for in this video.  You can discover “The Tenant” and many more interesting exhibits at the New Museum.  You wont regret it.