ArtsConnection Alumni Network



Did you exhibit art in the Student Art Program (SAP) or Teens Curate Teens (TCT) or attend live performances in Teen Reviewers and Critics (TRaC)?

Did you grab a slice at Pizza and a Movie (PaaM) or spend a year as a teen leader in the Teen Advisory Council (TAC)?

Then we’re looking for you! Help us build the first AC Alumni community!

Who Are AC Alums?

Alumni have participated in at least 1 ArtsConnection program (This includes but is not limited to the list below):


Arts-Making TRaC


Map Free City (Summer TRaC)

OnTRaC College & Career Readiness

Pizza and a Movie

Student Art Program exhibition

Skill Building & Drop-in Workshops

Teen Advisory Council 

Teen Reviewers and Critics

Teens Curate Teens Artist or Curator

Young Talent Program

How can I participate as an alum?

There are multiple ways to volunteer and give back, several of which are still under development. Most immediately, you can support Teen Programs and/or ArtsConnection as a whole through donations. Other volunteer opportunities currently under development are:

Alumni Pizza and a Movie Nights

Alumni Exhibition Opportunities

Alumni Skill-building and Drop-in workshops

Theater nights

Volunteer at Teen Programs Outreach Events

Sponsor Student Art Program exhibition at your company

Become an OnTRaC Mentor

Join a new Alumni Committee 

How do I notify you about my alum status?

To change your status to alumni, please refer to previous emails/newsletters from Teen Programs and use the “Update Your Preferences” link in the bottom footer. If you don’t currently receive emails/newsletters from us, please visit the newsletter page and choose Adult Participant > ArtsConnection Alumni.